Things Are Different

Things are different than they were a year ago.  This is a huge understatement!  The arrival of COVID 19 and the effect on our lives worldwide has been immense.  My business coaching practice in the Woodlands and in Houston has given me an observation point to see many businesses and how they have responded to the new world that COVID 19 has wrought.

The great news is that creativity, when it comes to survival is alive and well.  The bad news is that in many instances it is not enough to survive.  Each business, so to speak, is its own individual boat.  When COVID 19 first arrived, some boats were already in a safe harbor.  A safe harbor is a place where their business is not going to be severely affected.  They are going to be profitable and survive.  They will change because of safety concerns as to how they do business but overall, they are in good shape.

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As of today, November 17, 2020 the political climate is very unsettled in the United States.  The business owners I collaborate with in my business coaching practice in The Woodlands and Houston are moving forward.  But for each it is different.  Some are striding forward with confidence and a “we shall overcome” attitude.  Others are moving forward with less certainty.  In Texas, where I live and work, the economic situation because of the pandemic has been hurtful but overall, we are doing well.

The question is, depending on who wins the election, what are the policies regarding COVID 19 and the economy moving forward.   In Texas, with a great emphasis on oil and gas there is a great deal of uncertainty.  Millions of lives and livelihoods could be affected over the next few years.  Employers and employees feel unsettled.

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Commandism and Tailism: How to Control A Country or Organization

Commandism and Tailism are boundaries that are on purpose poorly defined.  Let’s say you are part of a political movement, or you are working for a company.  The leader of the political movement or a leader in your company asks you to do a special task or project.  You approach it with enthusiasm and get it done on time and better than expected.  Everything should be good.  You should be recognized for your extraordinary efforts.

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What Is Your Thinking Hat?

What hat are you wearing when you think?  Years ago when I was studying what makes an effective team I came across a book, The Six Thinking Hats by Edward DeBono.  One of the premises was that for effective teamwork that it was important to have different perspectives.  And, as a team leader it is important to have a variety of prisms in thought in order to be able to move forward on a project or task with greater confidence.

First, it is important to understand that each team member has preferred ways of thinking.  As a leader, you may be able to discern what is the best hat for someone to wear.

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What is Okay? What is not Okay?

There is something I do know. The two most important concepts for a civil, peaceful society to function are to have a clear definition of “what is okay” and “what is not okay.

In your own life you determine “what is okay” and “what is not okay.”  For society, “What is okay” has laws, customs and guidelines.  “What is not okay” creates its own law, which in truth is the rule of men and their decisions at the moment as to “what is okay,” not law, along with their own special customs and guidelines.  When “what is okay,” is not enforced, then “what is not okay” takes over.  This is when lawlessness becomes the law. Fear sets in.

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Extraordinary Times: What You Consume Determines What You Become—The Story of Raynaud III.

Appetites and Misplaced Hunger

The coronavirus pandemic has caused us to look inward and outward in examining our lives.  And, when you do this examination on a foundation of uncertainty it can make you feel worse, not better.  But there is something you can examine.  And, maybe there is some positive action you can take.

As we go through life, we all have appetites that we feel we must satisfy.  It can be recreation, money, love, food, solitude, exercise, etc. So, what are your appetites?  In my personal business coaching, which can involve personal development training, self-improvement training, leadership and personal growth and development coaching, I am always looking for appetites.  What we have an appetite for will guide us to where we spend most of our focus and energy.  And, very often, if we just alter that energy and focus, that appetite some, amazing improvements can take place.

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Problem or Predicament?

Over the past few weeks, the coronavirus has changed all of our lives significantly.  We have never seen something like this.  The medical impact can be frightening.  And the economic impact, remains to be seen, but it could be disastrous.

Instead of writing about personal development, self-improvement, personal growth and leadership which are areas in which I collaborate with others in my personal business coaching practice, I believe it is best to share some thoughts that may support you as we go through a time where in many cases, and you can include me, our lives have been turned upside down.  A time where fear and panic, the two horsemen of relationship and societal destruction are running wild.

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To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 4

In previous posts, we have looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  Also, we have looked at an essential element of your mindset for successful networking.  You must focus on what you can control, which is you and your thoughts.  Do not focus on what you cannot control, which is others.

Part of the control issue is that when we first network with someone there can be a tendency to have a “fixer upper attitude” or “I am here to help.”  While both of these may sound good, they actually can work against you and your goal of building deeper relationships through networking.

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To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3

In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of building deeper relationships.

In this post we will go under the hood of self-talk, so to speak and explore the mindset that is necessary to good self-talk which will manifest itself in a positive way to others allowing your networking to accomplish its primary goal, to build deeper relationships.

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To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 2

Your self-talk, what you say when you talk to yourself, is a key to keeping your networking working.  In the previous post, we looked at ways to improve your self-talk, which in turn, will enhance the possibilities of building deeper relationships through networking.

What I find interesting is what very successful people say to themselves in order to overcome significant challenges. Regardless of where their inspiration comes from which could be a situation, a person or a goal most truly successful people are happy.  That doesn’t mean that they don’t get down or have doubts.  All of us do.  But their self-talk causes them to overcome what is challenging them and in the process of moving beyond the challenge they create happiness.

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