
Attitudes are affected by what we know since what we know determines he decisions we will make. Where our philosophy deals with the logical side, our attitude focuses primarily on emotional issues.

What we know determines our philosophy. What we feel determines our attitude. Here is the key point to remember. In business and life it is our emotional nature that governs most of our daily conduct in our personal and business worlds.

I have heard many well intentioned people say to others: “Be more logical. Don’t be so emotional.” That’s an interesting statement. Interesting because there is a strong emotion attached to it. Be more logical. Read more

Culture and Change

When culture and change meet, culture always wins.

Lasting success lies in changing individuals first; then the organization follow. And organization changes only as far or as fast as its collective individual change.

To strategically change your organization, you must first change the individuals. Too often, change fails because we don’t start with the individuals.

To change, individuals within an organization have to redraw their mental maps. If people are not remapped then they cannot break through the brain barrier of exchanging the old, familiar way of doing things and embrace the new, change. Read more

Keys To Self Improvement

Hope’s power energizes us with excitement and anticipation as we look toward the future.

Self Improvement Tips is one of your most valuable possessions.

It’s been said that a person can live forty days without food, four days without water, four minutes without air, but only four seconds without hope.

If you want to help yourself win, build great relationships, build great teams then become a purveyor of hope & Improve Self Confidence.

Self-Improvement is for you to discover a starting place for your own journey of self-improvement & personal development.

Self Improvement Tips has a variety of offerings to get you thinking and to start you on your way to creating pathways to having the life you desire.

this entry was posted in Self Improvement Videos

What Never Goes Out Of Style?

What Never Goes Out Of Style“During my 87 years I have witnessed a whole succession of technological revolutions. But none of them has done away with the need for character in the individual or the ability to think.”-Bernard Baruch. It is your choice to build your character and your ability to think. They are critical to your success and happiness. Character and the ability to think are always in style.

In today’s world automation and artificial intelligence are allowing machines to do tasks once performed by human beings. Will the need for human beings to have good character and to think go away?

No. Human beings will have to have both of these to have good relationships. Without relationships there would be no need for personal development and growth in the areas of character and thinking. Without relationships, there would be no need to add value to yourself. Read more

Stop Drinking The Poison

love yourself“When you truly love yourself, you don’t have enemies. They may hate you but you’re too big to hate them back.” — Tony Gaskins. When you love yourself, you understand that hate is self-destructive. Hate is like drinking poison and hoping that the other person dies.

There is a huge opportunity for self improvement in truly understanding that you must love yourself first. When you do, hate starts to fade away. How do you go about doing this?

Self improvement, or personal development, is about how to change your habits to become the person you wish to be. When you start loving yourself more the consequence is that there is less room for hate. You love yourself more by finding the good in every person or situation, no matter how distasteful.

Practice being a “good finder.” When you do, you will be practicing gratitude. And gratitude is the first step in the path of how to change your life for the better. Hate cannot flourish in an atmosphere of love and gratitude. Read more

The Power of Wisdom

The Power of Wisdom“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”-Jalal Rumi. Wisdom comes when you arrive at the understanding that the power to shape your life belongs to you and to no one else.

The power to shape your life is yours. Yes, all of us can be and are affected by circumstances, people and things. It is up to you as to how you choose to be affected and to the extent you let these things impact you. With a strong internal compass of morals and values to guide you there will be two good things that will happen.

First, you will be tipped off to opportunities that were not visible before. Secondly, you will be made aware of dangers that are not readily apparent. You will now have the wisdom to make better decisions. Read more

Success In Business And Life: Attitude Determines Your Input, Output And Reward

Self Improvement TipsAt twelve years old I didn’t have a good attitude. I didn’t understand input, output and reward. On this particular day I had a bad attitude. It was normal for this day every year. As a young boy who loved to play there were other things I would rather be doing. Work around the house was not for me.

Every Spring my Dad and I would go out on our half acre and clean up the property after the Winter storms. There were always many tree limbs and sometimes fallen trees. We did not have a chain saw and I had to chop all the limbs and trees with an axe. Read more

Keys To Success: Finding Peace (2)

Self Improvement TipsIn the previous post on peace we looked at one of the keys to success, finding peace. We looked at what is peace and what is causing distress.

In this post I am going to start out and explore what peace is a little further. And, we will look at some ways to create peace. We will finish up with the concept that peace is best achieved by running your small business and your life by your expectations.

Keys To Success: Know What Peace Is. What Peace Is Not. Read more

Business Keys To Success: Discernment

Self Improvement Tips“Discernment can be described as the ability to find the root of the matter, and it relies on intuition as well as rational thought. Discernment is an indispensable quality for any leader who desires to maximize effectiveness.”—John Maxwell

In “The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader” Maxwell goes onto talk about the value of practicing discernment.

Over the years in my personal business coaching practice I have observed clients with a great deal of discernment. They always see the opportunities before others and they also see the dangers before others. Whether you are a self-employed business owner, entrepreneur, solo professional, corporate manager or corporate executive discernment can serve you well personally and professionally. Read more

Keys To Success: Get Rid Of The Bus Stop Mentality

distractionIn my personal coaching business I find that one of the most important keys to success is to recognize the “bus stop mentality.” And, having recognized it, do something about it.

What is the “bus stop mentality?” It’s a pattern where you

  • Allow yourself to be distracted
  • You fail to accomplish what you need to accomplish
  • You have a sense of frustration and reduced energy

Keys To Success: What Are Your Distractions?

Distractions can range from always checking email, to surfing the web, to Facebook, to the impromptu meeting, to the phone. There are others but those are some of the major ones. As a self-employed business owner the first step is to become aware of your distractions. The second step is to take control of them. Read more